Today is another day for us to get better and move in the right direction. I am up early getting ready to head to the gym. It is a must for me to get there early. I can get taped, stretched, but more importantly focused.
While I was at LSU, I learned that if you step on the floor 15 min before practice then you are already late. Time management is everything, and being a leader this is something that is very important. If you are in a hurry, or rushed or anything then it throws off everything that you have to do throughout the day as well as affect you well you lead others. It just has a trickle affect of something getting in the way of something else. I would rather be prepared, so arriving 2 hours ahead of time I would say helps me to stay focus and keep my eyes on being the best leader I can be. Talk to you all later.
Oh yeah don't forget to vote for me in the all-stat game on and you can also text it in and pick my name at 69622 thank you all for your votes.